Natural Beauty Skin Care

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Essential Oils: Essential for a Healthier You

Essential oils are aromatic compounds found in seeds, stems, roots, flowers, or bark of plants. For centuries, these oils have been used by many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits.

Essential oils are squeezed from plants, fruits, and herbs. They are readily absorbed by the skin, penetrating deeply to provide soothing and healing benefits. As interest in natural health and beauty products increases, many people are exploring the benefits of these time-tested oils. There are many types of essential oils to choose from, with a wide range of uses and benefits. Here are just a few:

Almond Oil

Rich in vitamins A, B, and E, almond oil is a good choice for healthy skin. Use almond oil to help nourish and moisturize the skin, sooth irritated and inflamed skin, relieve dryness, and make the skin softer and smoother. In the wintertime, rubbing almond oil on your lips can relieve chapping.

Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, and contains antioxidants which penetrate the surface layer of the skin, nourishing the skin cells and protecting against dehydration. It is absorbed quickly and can be massaged into the skin to make it smooth and supple, restoring elasticity and smoothing wrinkles. It can be used as a hair and scalp treatment for shining, manageable hair. Vitamin E helps with treating sunburn, soothing irritated and reddened skin.

Lavender Oil

The oil of lavender has a gentle, flowery scent that is soothing and refreshing. It is reputed to relieve stress and aid in relaxation. Lavender oil is said to have calming properties and is used to reduce anxiety. A massage with lavender oil before bedtime can help you unwind and relax. Therapeutic grade lavender is used to cleanse and sooth cuts, bruises, and skin irritations. It is also used to relieve sunburn and as a massage oil to reduce joint and muscle pain.


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