Natural Beauty Skin Care

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Best Oils for Skin
Natural oils work wonders as facial cleansers. Many people have reservations about using oils on their skin. They fear it might make their skin oiler and less healthy. The truth is actually the opposite. Using essential oils on your skin breaks down the unhealthy oils in your pores and replaces them with beneficial oils. Also, the use of oils as cleaners as opposed to ones that may dry out your skin actually makes your skin less oily. When oils are added to the skin it allows the skin to not over-compensate in oil production. Among the best of the natural oils to use as a facial product is grapefruit oil. Grapefruit oil has numerous benefits for your skin and for your health.

Stay Healthy and Beautiful

Being healthy and nutritious plays a rather large role in the quality of your skin. The consumption of large quantities of unhealthy food can result in breakouts and over-oily skin, not to mention the other health risks and weight gain. One such category of food are those that are high in sugar. Eating healthier is always a struggle, but grapefruit oil can help. Grapefruit Oil is known to curb sugar cravings. To do this, add a few drops of the oil to your water every day. For more results, also breathe in the scent directly once a day.

Be Cancer-Free

As an added health bonus, grapefruit oil also helps to fight off skin cancer. Several studies have found lower risk of skin cancer in individuals who eat grapefruit peel, which is where the oil is located. To achieve the same results, you can either eat the peels or just add a few drops of the oil to your water. It is also helpful to rub the oil over places of high sun exposure.

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